Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.


Today I want to discuss a very important event coming up. The Calgary Stampede!

Now, the Calgary Stampede has got to be one of my favourite events of the summer. It always lives up to its claim of being the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. I have been to the Stampede almost every year of my life. It's always a blast.

A lot of the Stampede is based around tourism. This includes the shows, the concerts, and the rides. I think the best parts of the Stampede are, in fact, the agriculture related parts. One of the best parts is no longer there, though. This is the youth show. I loved the youth show being at the Stampede because it really gave me a chance to exhibit my animals to many people who, on a regular basis, are not exposed to this type of things. I always had people asking me to explain 4-H and things about cattle. I thought it was so cool to be able to enlighten people about the wonders that I deal with every day.

Another great thing about the Stampede is the rodeo. Many people, however, feel that rodeo is considered cruelty to the animals involved. I don't believe this. Those people are entitled to their opinions, but I feel that rodeo is a good natured sport. The animals are not harmed and are well taken care of. There are many worse places they could be. I think rodeo is fascinating because it does take a lot of skill to be able to compete in the fashion that these people do. It takes disipline, time, and patience to be able to be as good as they are. I hope to be in the Calgary Stampede one day. First, I'd like to be the Rodeo Queen of the Stampede and then possibly barrel race in it.

Well I enjoyed telling you about an event that is very important to me. I have yet another parade and rodeo tomorrow so I will keep you posted on the happenings.


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